Infinite Sand Sorter is a drawing machine caught in an unending cycle of making very slow movements. Its act of marking traces in the sand echoes ancient methods of conceptualizing ideas in the sand. The pace of this process is deliberately slow, allowing time for contemplation of the seemingly purposeless nature of the act when viewed on a cosmic scale. Sorting and rearranging are intrinsic aspects of human nature and living organisms in general. This artwork provocatively attempts to externalize this urge for structure onto the surrounding environment. Sorting tiny grains appears nearly impossible to complete within any reasonable timeframe.
Infinite Sand Sorter will be exhibited between 04/10 and 12/10.

about the artist
Agoston Nagy specializes in algorithmic art, visualizations and installations, made with code. In addition to art practice, he conducts research exploring systems thinking, nonhuman intelligence, autonomy and decentralized networks. Having conducted international workshops in computational art and creative coding across the EU, US, Canada, and Asia, Nagy has shared his expertise on a global scale. Formerly a researcher at Kitchen Budapest Media Lab, a lecturer at Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, his works have been showcased at institutions such as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Centre for Media Art Karlsruhe (ZKM), Ludwig Museum Budapest among others.