re|thread is a collective of software researchers, artists, and designers, in Stockholm. Our work lies at the intersection between software technology, art, interaction design, sonification, and visualization, and focuses on the use of software as the material and medium for artistic creation.
- website
- Instagram
- GitHub
- Benoit Baudry: Instagram
- Erik Natanael: personal website, Instagram, Mastodon
- Maria Kling: personal website, Instagram
- Roni Kaufman: personal website, Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram
We organize, create and curate myriad. The project is realised with support of Kulturbryggan.

credits for this website
- HTML, invented by Tim Berners-Lee and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG)
- JavaScript, created by Brendan Eich and standardized by Ecma International
- CSS, proposed by Håkon Wium Lie and developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
- Gecko, WebKit and Blink, rendering these pages
- Inconsolata, designed by Raph Levien
- Louise, designed by Luna Delabre and Camille Depalle